locked up, or not moving properly. This adds motion to the joint, helping the joints to gradually regain more normal motion and function. The purpose of this safe and natural procedure is to permit improved spinal function, improved nervous system function, and improved health. There are many ways to adjust the spine. Usually the chiropractor's hands or a specially designed instrument delivers a brief and highly-accurate thrust. Some adjusting methods are quick, whereas others require a slow, constant or indirect pressure. After years of university training and clinical experience, each chiropractor becomes highly skilled in the delivery of a variety of adjusting approaches.
popor cavitation that is associated with an adjustment is simply nitrogen bubbles coalescing out of the synovial fluid due to the negative pressures.
ModernChiropractic involves a lot more than just
crackingthe spine. We have many modalities at our disposal that do not involve
clickingthat can be effectively employed to help with soft tissue or joint related disorders. In fact our focus at Hornsby Spine Centre is not on
clickingthe joint, but rather applying the appropriate specific force necessary to reduce the dysfunction of the affected part of the musculoskeletal system. If it is your preference not to be adjusted or have the audible
clickingsound, then please let us know, at the very least we can always use mobilization techniques to increase joint range of motion or muscle movement. Please see our modalities page for more information about some of the techniques we use.
artof spinal manipulative therapy (SMT). We mention the word
artbecause it requires many hours of practising and studying to be able to determine which joint needs to be moved, which direction the joint needs to be moved in and exactly how much force needs to be applied. Chiropractors are also highly trained in using orthopaedic and neurological tests to determine when SMT should not be used.
clickingsound. If patients prefer not to have adjustments to their necks, we will always find another more amicable way to achieve the desired results.
Modernchiropractors focusing more on functional impairment and dysfunction have started adding more and more soft tissue modalities to their treatment plans as well as using more home exercise and strengthening plans, just as some physiotherapists have started to incorporate more manipulative or adjustive techniques into their treatment plans.
catch allanswer for this question and it will depend heavily on the type of injury you have, its nature, location and severity. Everything will be considered during your visit with us as we are firm believers in trying to minimize training or activity schedules unless absolutely necessary. We will always provide recommendations on how to modify your exercise if necessary as well as how to build back up to full strength.
You can always ask us something that is not on this page from the Contact Us page.